Springer Wien New York |
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien |
Form and Reform.
In: Thierry Paquot, Yvette Masson-Zanussi, Marco Stathopoulos (Eds.): ALTERARCHITECTURESmanifesto.
A publication of UNDER CONSRUCTIONS – observatory of innovative
architecture and urban processes in Europe, presented to Venice
Biennale participants, as part of the conference “Verdiacque”, in
partnership with Abitare magazine. ETEROTOPIA INFOLIO with support from
European Commission, 2012. Nachdruck aus Urban Future Manifestos, edited by Peter Noever, MAK Vienna and Kimberli Meyer, MAK Center Los Angeles, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2010

Christian Reder 2012 |