Reder |
für angewandte Kunst Wien |
Volltext |
Springer Wien
New York |
Biography: Christian Reder |
German | Arabic | Farsi
Born 1944 in Budapest – is consultant and writer.
He is editor of the book series 'Edition Transfer' at Springer Wien New
York and chairman of RD Foundation Vienna.
Research. Development. Human Rights founded in 2011. From 1985 to
2012 he was professor at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Head of
the Center of Art and Knowledge Transfer).
Newest publications: Grenzland Ukraine (2022),
Mediterrane Urbanität. Perioden vitaler Vielfalt als Grundlagen Europas
(2020), Noch Jahre der Unruhe … Ali M. Zahma und Afghanistan (2018,
published also in Farsi, Teheran 2023), Deformierte
Bürgerlichkeit (2016).

With Shalini Randeria, IWM
Vienna 2018

With Friedrich Achleitner
Vienna 2009

With Ingrid Reder
Venice 2006

With Claus Philipp und Eric Pleskow
Vienna 2007

With Alexander Kluge
Salzburg 2006 |
 With Erich Lessing
Vienna 2007

With Bruno Gironcoli
Vienna 1995

With Walter Pichler
Vienna 2006 |

With Brigitte Kowanz
Vienna 2000 |

Mit Sadik J. Al-Azm
Damascus, 2002
 Mit Amin Maalouf
Ile d'Yeu, 2001
 Mit Humberto Maturana
Santiago de Chile, 1999
• Writer and editor: essays and 'essayistic' studies on
art and
artists, history, reformism, cultural relations, codes. Published
dialogs and interviews with for example Anatolij Achutin (Moscow),
Wolfgang Petritsch (Vienna-Paris), Jacques Le Rider (Paris) or Peter
Sellars (Los Angeles), Erich Lessing, Alexander Kluge, Zaha Hadid, Wolf D. Prix /
Coop Himmelb(l)au, Brigitte Kowanz, Elfie Semotan, Peter Kubelka, Walter Pichler,
Bruno Gironcoli, Kurt Kocherscheidt, Günther Domenig, Peter Weibel,
Peter Gorsen, Arnulf Rainer, Harald Szeemann, Helmut Lang - and with
representatives of various cultures such as Ali Mohammed Zahma, Khazan
Ghul, Anwar Amin (Afghanistan), Amin Maalouf (Lebanon) or Sadik J.
Al-Azm (Syria) or Mustafa Djamiljow (Crimean Tatars).
• Since 1985, professor at the University of Applied
Arts Vienna.
Since 2005, Head of the Center of Art and Knowledge Transfer. Member of
the university senate. Retirement in 2012. Priorities: Open, 'essayistic' research projects
aimed at making differentiations freed from the bounds of the usual
disciplines. Student-support for commercial and non-commercial
projects. Learning-by-doing. Ties between art and science, between
disciplines, cultures, between text, sound and visual media.
Audio-visual anthropology. Realization of 'transfer projects' as a
means of experiencing cultural similarities and differences and global
complexity (for example recently in Damascus, in Libya, in the
Ukraine or on ‚Cartographic Thinking‘).
• Since 1980. Freelance project worker, concentrated on
programs, the media, civil society, social and political projects.
fields: Support projects for Nicaragua 1979/80, followed by permanent
work on the 'Austrian Relief Committee for Afghan Refugees' 1980-1994,
building up of the organization, establishing the international
financing, the programs; month-long periods of residence in
Pakistan/Afghanistan. Official corruption analysis for the trial taking
place in the aftermath of the construction of the new general hospital
in Vienna. Intensive participation in the establishment of the
independent publishing house 'Falter' in Vienna (1982-1994). Work on
widely-varying approaches for new conceptions; on reform for art
schools, for MAK (Austrian Museum of Applied Arts); for the Austrian
National Museums. Concepts for an international cultural center in
Geneva; for a better design education; for a reform of cultural
management courses; for the Patan Museum in Nepal; reform programs for
Austrian cultural policy. Ongoing adviser in the fields of the media
and publishing; in recent years particularly for Springer Verlag
(Vienna-New York) on the extension of its art, architecture and
cultural sciences program.
Newest publications: Mediterrane Urbanität. Perioden vitaler Vielfalt
als Grundlagen Europas (2020), Noch Jahre der Unruhe … Ali M. Zahma und
Afghanistan (2018), Deformierte Bürgerlichkeit (2016).
• 1970-1980: After graduating at the University of Vienna (social sciences & economics), ten years work
management consultant with Knight Wegenstein AG (Zurich - Dusseldorf -
London), responsible for 'special projects' in the field of politics
and public services and for public relations. Development of systems
and organization structures for companies in the fields of banking,
construction, machinery, food, media. Later on concentration on public
services and political change programs like the Hamburg hospital
reform, the Austrian hospital reform, the building department and the
police department of the city of Hamburg, the German and the Iranian
State Railway. Parallel to this regular involvement in social and art projects.