English Summary
Expert for complex projects. I term myself an "expert for
complex projects" since my primary interest lies in creating
improved structures and conditions for the production of art
and the production of creative endeavour within the "operating
systern of art", which, just like any other field, controls
the distribution of value judgements, information and the
flow of money. A lot would speak for progressing away from
the usual entanglements toward more transparency and more
efficient and effective institutions and businesses, a move
toward becoming less formal, unreliable, lobby-minded and
blurred. There is of course some wishful thinking conceaied
behind such thoughts. Co-operative, inquiring and open-minded
artists with high aspirations to producing quality work and
with an interest in working together have a high degree of
exposure to all of this, as "experts for compfex projects".
Not to rate artistic work any lower than other work in its
function as an influential cultural element, would be an appropriate
step forward (also as concerns the way the artist sees him
or herself). However to view one's own artistic work as a
complex project would be going too far. Compfexity means liberation
from models. Complexity is capabie of producing a special
sort of simplicity. lt is complexity, which is the motivating
factor for research. Unexpected connections and reiationships
arise out of complexity.